Monday 13 May 2013

Emailday ...

After Skyping yesterday I was still just as eager to get an email from Elder Robertson today.  Monday is my favourite day of the week!! This week my email was the shorter one and his dad was blessed with the longer email.

Matt's subject heading is 'did you think to pray?'  Mine was 'Love you!'  

I was fine that dad got a meatier email than I did this week.  I had hogged the Skype conversation yesterday! haha

Jacob says:

'Its unbelievable how much more you pray on a mission because you want to do the Lord's will and want to serve Him as best you can. My prayers are quite short and seemingly meaningless in German compared to those in English, but I try to pray in German as much as possible.'

He shares some other things with his dad and concludes with ....

This morning I read through parts of Preach my Gospel and the necessity of having the Spirit with you always, stood out to me. Its recognisable how much of a difference you can feel it by serving the Lord, compared to everyday life. It really is a blessing to be able to serve the Lord and serve a mission, but the best missionaries are always the members. Whether they serve one another or reach out to those around them, we all play a part in building the Kingdom of God.

Then I got further emails with a couple of photos attached in each.  I am spoilt!!

His MTC group
Jacob at the Swiss Temple
The nice link here with the Swiss temple is that the grandfather of Elder Wettstein who taught and confirmed me, was a sealer in this temple.  How great is that!! I hope Jacob is keeping a journal of these experiences!! 

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