Saturday, 15 February 2014

No complaints! ...

I haven't counted weeks and months since Elder Robertson left.  I am quite happy that when people ask me how long he's been serving, I have to count the months on my fingers.  This week it seems I have had that question quite a few times so the amount of time has stuck in my head! In just 3 days Elder Robertson will have been serving for 10 months.  I seriously can't believe how fast it has gone. I miss him everyday but would not take this experience away from him.  He is learning so much and I love reading about his experiences and growth from week to week.  He is amazing!!

Now I'm even intrigued to how many weeks that actually is ... I'm going to count ... If i got it right, 43 weeks and 2 days.  Oh my!! I think I'm better just with months!!

This week I was prepared and sent Elder Robertson's email on Sunday evening ready for him to open on Monday.  So glad I did, as our internet provider was upgrading our connection and we were down for two days.  It was hard not connecting. Finally I read his email later that evening and here's a few snippets of that ...

First things first: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM (in advance) I will be sending a card, though as I have not yet done it, it may come  a little later... but it will get there.

Things are going well over here. One investigator is a very deep thinking and a calm collected character, so I can relate to him, somewhat...

Christopher realises that its not going to happen on the 16th. the baptismal interview had have to have been yesterday for it to work out and with him not feeling prepared for the questions ( and him being sick ) it just didn't seem right. We challenged (our investigator) to pray about his initial date that he thought about and gave him the week to think about it so that when he comes to a decision of these things, he can be certain that its the right answer. We're trying to address everything, step by step, that may come into question after his baptism and being a fully fledged member, so we addressed the priesthood, what it is and the organisation of it. That went well. 

G is somewhat determined to stay catholic, (although) we have been teaching him more. I sometimes wonder how that, although the Catholic direction is probably the best preparation you (mum) could have to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ, its also the largest trap to those seeking truth but caught up in the traditions of the world.

District P-day was cool... I'll be sending my SD card this week with all the photos on it. It worked out pretty well as you'll be able to see from the photos. I did also get the conference magazines, and its great to be able to read these talks and study from them. My learning and understanding is always enriched through studying the talks of the phophets and apostles.

We go to the temple once every transfer still. We're almost the same time away, but just in a different direction being in Luzern. We're actually going there on Thursday to do a session. We have zone conference tomorrow as well so I think I'll get my package then. I do however need a few things ....  I would also like to know if it would be possible to send my little green iPod nano to me so I can put church music on it that we could listen to? There may be a few other things I would either need or like but I'll send a list with the letter...

I need to cut my hair today... its a little longer than I had anticipated, but not too long. We'll also be buying new chairs for our apartment. We got permission to as the ones we have are falling apart and leave little yellow bits of foam everywhere!!! So we'll take a trip to ikea today... :D

Besides that, all is going great, the work is moving forward and its fun too so, no complaints...

I love you and miss you,

Only two more sleeps until Monday .... 

Friday, 7 February 2014

Valentines Package sent and short email!

Last week I sent off the Valentine package for Elder Robertson.  I have sent it to the mission office and then he will probably receive it at zone conference next week.

Here's some of what went in ... 

'We flippin' love you', including love hearts and chocolate ...

I included a talk entitled 'The Measure of Our Hearts' given by Marvin J Ashton.  You can read the talk by clicking on here.

It was fun putting it together.  I see so many ideas on Pinterest and then can't limit myself to just one! 

Elder Robertson's email came in early for him this week.  He gave us names of three investigators to include in our prayers.  One of his investigators is doing really well and another 'has visited Church, we get to teach him and help him to understand the whole authority principle. He's definitely a long term project, but he's the most God- orientated man I've met in Luzern, really humble and believe it or not, more sociable than our Heber!!'

Today we're off to see a mountain, but its foggy. I didn't want to cancel it after all the planning and the numerous phone calls I've made to arrange it. Plus I'm hoping that we see a miracle and that the weather clears up a little when we get there... its been known to do that so I'm exercising my faith that it can happen again.

Our week is looking good with a balance of member and investigator appointments. We also have a zone get together this week as our training meeting is on Tuesday. So I guess I may be getting my package then... If not then the comfort is that we have zone conference the week after so I could recieve it then as well.

So although a short email in comparison to other weeks, I was so happy they were getting out together as a district.  I'm exercising my faith that I will get photos soon!!